Student and Parent Resources
Teacher and Staff Resources
About Us
Before the District cancels school this year due to inclement weather, you should know the process the District uses when it decides to close school. Our primary consideration is for the safety of the students. If at any time the District does not cancel school and you believe your child's safety is being compromised due to the weather conditions, please do not risk your child's safety. Since our school district covers over 250 square miles, parts of the district may be safe to travel while other parts may not.
Prior to our decision, we talk to the bus company and other area superintendents about the condition of the roads and the weather patterns that seem to be developing. Based on that information, we make the decision to cancel school, begin late, or allow school to start on time. Obviously, it is not an exact science. Again, we try to err on the side of safety.
Once school has been cancelled, we alert the local media so that they can broadcast the news. The following stations should carry any school closing messages:
Channel 3 WMIX 940 AM/94.1 FM
Channel 12 WDML 106.9 FM
If your contact information is correct in our system, you should receive a phone call by our notification system called School Messenger. If you need to update your contact information, please contact Ms. Thomas in the Student Services Office at 246-1730.