Message from the Superintendent

MVTHS Friends and Family -

After much thought, consideration and prayer, I have arrived at the difficult decision to submit my resignation as superintendent of this wonderful district effective at the close of business June 30, 2024.  I will forever be grateful I was given the privilege to lead MVTHS the last four years.

MVTHS has the best students, staff, board, and community.  I have always felt wonderfully supported by all of you.  So that leads to the question of why I have chosen to leave?

Those close to me know that my dad has suffered some health issues recently and was diagnosed with dementia about a year ago.  As this disease progresses, I see him slipping away.  I want to be able to spend as much time with him as possible.  And if that day comes when he no longer recognizes me, I want to know that I made the most of our time together.  

Another factor in my decision was the immense amount of stress that I put upon myself to do the very best I could as the superintendent.  Being from here, I couldn’t stand the thought of disappointing all of you, and that always weighed heavily on my mind.  The stress has impacted my health and the relationships with those I love the most.

When I look back at the last four years, I will always think of all we have accomplished at MVTHS.  I know those positive things will continue because of the hard work we’ve done.  I hope that those of you who have supported me in the past will continue to do so.

I thank all of you for the great honor of serving as your superintendent.  It will forever be one of the highlights of my life.  I have been a MV Ram for a long, long time, and I will continue to be one.  Always remember - once a Ram, always a Ram.  I am forever a Ram.