Yearbooks are in!

Vernois 2024 MV360 yearbooks have arrived!

Class of 2024 graduates may come to the Attendance Office in Building A to pick up yearbooks starting Thursday, August 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

On Thursday, August 15, yearbooks will be available for pickup during lunch periods in the cafeteria, with Class of 2025 Seniors given first priority. Please note that many yearbooks this year are personalized, and both personalized and regular copies will be available for Seniors to pick up.

On Friday, August 16, Class of 2026 Juniors may pick up both personalized and regular copies of the yearbook during all lunch periods.

On Monday, August 19, Class of 2025 Sophomores may pick up both personalized and regular copies of the yearbook during all lunch periods.

Current students may also come to Room C114 after school to pick up yearbooks after school until 3:30 pm.

A very limited number of yearbooks will be available for purchase to current students for $80.00 each in Room C114 - after school only.

If anyone has any questions, please contact:

Vernois Advisor
Dr. Jamey VanZandt